In 1999, after being married three years, I found myself taking care of my infant son all alone.
I also found out rather quickly that there were no organizations that would readily help a single father with the day to day tasks of raising a small child.
During this time, I came across many organizations that “said” they help single fathers too, but my experience found that their services primarily catered to single mothers.
It was embarrassing, and I felt awkward being in an environment that wasn’t really set up for single fathers.
Three years later, in 2002, I remarried, and after eleven years of marriage, I found myself entering the world of single fatherhood, AGAIN. This time with two daughters, 8 years old & 6 years old. And fourteen years later, there STILL were no programs dedicated to assisting single fathers in raising their children.
The truth of the matter is, people tend to show more sympathy for single mothers than single fathers, but single fathers experience the same challenges as single mothers do, if not more? For example: we cannot breastfeed, and we are not natural nurturers. In a two parent, father/mother household, we would probably not be changing the diapers, giving baths, combing hairs, fixing lunches, attending PTO meetings, etc.
Like I said before, there are plenty of organizations committed to assisting single mothers in their times of need, which is awesome … but this organization’s primary focus is For Single Fathers.
Edmond Baker, Jr.